1989 Bill Of Rights Single 25c Postage Stamp - Sc# 2421 - MNH - CW461b
1997 The Stars and Stripes Forever Plate Block of 4 32c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 3153
2001 Honoring Veterans Plate Block of 4 34c Postage Stamps - Sc# 3508 - MNH - CX814
2000 The White House Plate Block of 4 33cPostage Stamps - Sc# 3445 - MNH - CX813
1943 Freedom Of Speech and Religion Plate Block of 4 1c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 908
1981 Freedom Of Conscience Block of 4 12c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 1594
1981 Freedom Of Conscience Plate Block of 4 12c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 1594
2002 America Responds 911 Heros Single 34c Postage Stamp - Sc# B2 - MNH, OG - CX852
2002 America Responds 911 Heros Plate Block Of 4 34c Postage Stamps - Sc# B2 - MNH, OG - CX75
1958 Freedom Of The Press Single 4c Postage Stamp - MNH, OG - Sc# 1119 - DS188b
1958 Freedom Of The Press Block Of 4 4c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Scott# 1119 - DS188a
1992 - I Pledge Allegiance... Pane of 4 29c Postage Stamps - Sc# 2593 - MNH, OG
1994 USA Statue Of Liberty Booklet Pane Of 18 29c Postage Stamps - Sc# 2599a - MNH - DG123
1989 Supreme Court Constitution Bicentennial Plate Block of 4 25c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 2415
1987 Signing Of Constitution Plate Block Of 4 22c Postage Stamps - Sc 2360 - MNH, OG - CX866
1986 Statue Of Liberty Plate Block Of 4 22c Postage Stamps - Sc# 2224 - MNH, OG - CT80b
1989 House Of Representatives Plate Block of 4 25c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 2412
1989 US Senate Plate Block of 4 25c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 2413
1989 Executive Branch Plate Block of 4 25c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 2414
2001 Old Glory Pane Of 10 37c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Scott# 3776-3780a - DA102
1975-81 Ability To Write Democracy Plate Block of 4 1c Postage Stamps - Sc# 1581 - MNH, OG - CX475
1975-81 - Freedom Of Speech Plate Block Of 4 2c Postage Stamps - Sc# 1582 - MNH, OG - CX474
1975-81 Democracy - To Cast A Free Ballot Plate Block Of 4 3c Postage Stamps - Sc# 1584 - MNH, OG - CX473
1975-81 Democracy - Public That Reads Plate Block Of 4 4c Postage Stamps - Sc# 1585 - MNH, OG - CX472