1973 Christmas Tree Single 8c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1508 - MNH - CW428
1962 Christmas Single 4c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1205 - MNH - CT83d
1970 Landing Of The Pilgrims In 1620 - Thanksgiving - Plate Block Of 4 6c Postage Stamps - Sc# 1420 - MNH, OG - CX518
1977 George Washington At Valley Forge Block of 4 13c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 1729
1970 Landing Of The Pilgrims In 1620 - Thanksgiving - Single 6c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1420 - MNH, OG - CX518
1963 Whitehouse Christmas Tree Block of 4 5c Postage Stamp - MNH, OG - Sc# 1240`- CX219b
1981 Christmas Teddy & Sleigh Single 20c Postage Stamp - Sc 1940 - MNH, OG - CX863a
2009 Thanksgiving Day Parade Strip Of 4 44c Postage Stamps - Sc# 4417-4420 - MNH, OG - DC137
1969 Christmas, Norway, Maine Block Of 4 6c Postage Stamps Sc# 1384 -MNH - DS170a
1965 USA Christmas Angel Gabriel Plate Block Of 4 5c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 1276 - CX245
2003 Christmas Holiday Music Makers Booklet Of 20 37c US Postage Stamps - Sc# 3824B - DG107
1993 Christmas Booklet Pane Of 12 29c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 2802
2009 - Christmas Booklet Pane of 20 44c Postage Stamps- Sc# - 4424-4428b - MNH, OG - CX699
1991 Christmas Santa Booklet Pane Block of 4 29c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 2584
1983 Santa Claus Christmas Postage/Stickers - Block of 8 20c Postage Stamps - Sc# 2064
1995 Christmas Midnight Angel Booklet Of 20 32c Postage Stamps - Sc# 3012a - DG110
1964 Christmas Holly Stamp Plate Block of 4 5c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 1254-1257- CX417
2002-2003 Antique Toys Booklet Of 20 37c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 3642 - 3645e - CX81
1972 Santa Plate Block Of 12 8c Postage Stamps - Sc 1472 - MNH - CW425b
1977 Christmas Card Postage - Rural Mailbox In Snow - Block Of 8 13c Postage Stamps - Sc# 1730
1971 Partridge in a Pear Tree Christmas Stamps/ Stickers - Block of 8 8c Postage Stamps - Sc# 1445
1985 Christmas Poinsettia Plate Block of 4 22c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 2166
Snowflakes Block of 4 39c Postage Stamps - So# 4101-4104 MNH,OG
2001 Thanksgiving Single 34c Postage Stamp - Sc# 3546 - MNH,OG