1952 Engineering Centennial Single 3c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1012 - MNH,OG
1978 PAP Test Early Cancer Detection Single 13c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1754 - MNH,OG
1957 Shipbuilding Since 1607 Single 3c Postage Stamp - Sc#1095 - MNH,OG
1954 George Eastman Single 3c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1062 - MNH,OG
1940 Walter Reed Single 5c Postage Stamp - Sc#877 - MNH,OG
1957 Coast And Geodetic Survey Single 3c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1088 - MNH,OG
1946 Smithsonian Institution Single 3c Stamp - Sc#943 - MNH,OG
1973, Electronics Progress, Plate Block of 4 11c Airmail Postage Stamps - Sc# C86 - MNH,OG
1947 "Thomas A. Edison" Single 3c Postage Stamp - Sc# 945 - MNH,OG
1947 The Doctor Single 3c Postage Stamp - Sc# 949 - MNH,OG
1976 Alexander Graham Bell Sigle 13c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1683 - MNH,OG
2001 Enrico Fermi Single 34c Postage Stamp - Sc# 3533 - MNH,OG
1940 Walter Reed Plate Block of 4 5c Postage Stamps - Sc#877 - MNH,OG
1966 Albert Einstein Single 8c Postage Stamp - SC3 1285 - MNH,OG
1964 Amateur Radio Single 5c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1260 - MNH,OG
1959 Dr Ephraim McDowell Single 4c Postage Stamp - Sc#1138 - MNH,OG
1996 Smithsonian Single 32c Postage Stamp - Sc# 3059 - MNH,OG
1983 Science And Industry Single 20c Postage Stamp - Sc# 2031 - MNH,OG
1072 Osteopathic Medicine Single 8c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1469 - MNH,OG
1996 Computer Technology Block Of 8 32c Postage Stamps - Sc# 3106 - MNH, OG - CW328
2004 R. Buckminster Fuller Plate Block of 4 37c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 3870
2008 Semipostal Alzheimers Plate Block of 4 "Forever" Stamps - Sc# B6 - MNH, OG -DC141
1969 John Wesley Powell - 1869 Expedition - Single 6c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1374 - MNH,OG
2005 American Scientists Plate Block of 4 37c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 3906-3909