VEGAS - 1871 Revenue - Sc# R140 - Light Cut Cancel
VEGAS - 1871 Revenue - Sc# R136 - Light Cut - About XF Centering!
VEGAS - 1857 USA Washington 12c - Sc# 36 with Magenta (or Red) "Paid" Cancels
VEGAS - 1873 USA Lincoln 6c - Sc# 159 - Very Nice!
VEGAS - 1873 USA Webster 90c - Probably Sc# 173
VEGAS - 1887 USA Washington 3c Vermilion - Sc# 214 - Bent Perf Top Left
VEGAS - 1931 Postage Due 10c - Sc# J84 Wet Printing - Used Plate Block
VEGAS - 1930 Postage Due 3c - Sc# J72 - Used With Plate Number - P11 - FN1075
VEGAS - 1930 Postage Due 3c - Sc# J72 - Used With Plate Number - P11 - FN1074
VEGAS - 1930 Postage Due $1 - Sc# J77 - Used With Plate Number - P11 - FN1071
VEGAS - 1930 Postage Due 3c - Sc# J72 - Used With Plate Number - P11 - FN1073
VEGAS - 1930 Postage Due 50c - Sc# J76 - Used With Plate Number - P11
VEGAS - 1930 Postage Due 50c - Sc# J76 - Used With Plate Number - P11 - FN1067
VEGAS - 1930 Postage Due 50c - Sc# J76 - Precancel Plate Number Block - Perf 11
VEGAS - 1930 Postage Due 50c - Sc# J76 - Used With Plate Number - P11 - FN1066
VEGAS - 1930 Postage Due Plate Block Of 4 - Sc# J77 - MNH, Light Gum Dist - P11
VEGAS - 1957 Puerto Rico Cigarette Tax Revenue Stamp
VEGAS - 1861 USA Washington 3c, Sc# 65- Solid
VEGAS - 1912 USA Washington 2c - Sc# 413 Coil - Used
VEGAS - 1924 USA M. Washington Coil Joint Line Pair - Sc# 601 - MNH - Undist Gum
VEGAS - 1914 USA Washington 2c - Sc# 444 Verified Perf 10 FP Coil - Used
VEGAS - 1862-71 Revenue - Sc# R53c - FN971
VEGAS - 1862-71 Revenue - Sc# R47c - Very Solid!