Snowflakes Block of 4 39c Postage Stamps - So# 4101-4104 MNH,OG
1941-44 "Transport Plane Single 6c Airmail Postage Stamp - Sc# C25 - MNH,OG
2008 DRAGONFLY #4267 Plate Block of 4 x 62 cents US Postage Stamps
2011 Helen Hayes Forever Stamp Scott 4525
1962 Plane Over Capital Plate Block 0f 4 8c Airmail Postage Stamps - Sc# C64 - MNH,OG
1963 American Bald Eagle ~ Plate Block of 4 6c Airmail Postage Stamps - Sc# C67 - MNH,OG
1989 Am. Carving Single 45c Airmail Postage Stamp - Sc# C121 - MNH,OG
1968 Curtiss Jenny Plane Single 10c Airmail Postage Stamp - Sc# C74 - MNH,OG
1936 Rhode Island Tercentenary Single 3c Postage Stamp - Sc# 777 - MNH,OG
1969 Christmas Single 6c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1384 - MNH,OG
1947 The Doctor Single 3c Postage Stamp - Sc# 949 - MNH,OG
1977 Zia Pueblo Art Single 13c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1706 - MNH,OG
1976 Alexander Graham Bell Sigle 13c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1683 - MNH,OG
1974 Zip Code Promotion Single 10c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1511 - MNH,OG
1965 George C .Marshall Single 20 Postage Stamps - Sc# 1289 - MNH,OG
1955 Pennsylvania Academy Of The Fine Arts Single 3c Postage Sttamp - Sc# 1064 - MNH,OG
1960 Francis Scott Key Credo Single 4c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1142 - MNH,OG
1973 Harry S. Truman Single 8c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1499 - MNH,OG
1960 Patrick Henry Credo Single 4c Postage Stamp - Sc#1144 - MNH,OG
1968 US Native American Chief Joseph Single 6c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1364 - MNH,OG
1968 Illinois Statehood Single 6c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1339 - MNH,OG
1964 Abstract To The Fine Arts Single 5c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1259 - MNH,OG
1967 Nebraska Statehood Single 5c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1328 - MNH,OG
1970 South Carolina Statehood Single 6c Postage Stamp - Sc#1407 - MNH,OG