1936 Sherman-Grant-Sheridan Block 4 3c Postage Stamps - Sc# 787 - MNH,OG
1960 SEATO Single 4c Postage Stamp - Sc#1151 - MNH,OG
1948 Wisconsin Centennial Single 3c Postage Stamp - Sc#957- MNH,OG
1936 Texas Centennial Block of 4 3c Postage Stamps - Sc# 776 - MNH,OG
George Washingto Single 3c Postgw Stamp -Sc# 720 - MNH,OG
1935 Boulder Dam Block of 4 3c Postage Stamps - Sc# 774 - MNH,OG
1935 Boulder Dam Single 3c Postage Stamp - Sc#774 - MNH,OG
1935 Michigan Centenary Single 3c Postage Stamp - Sc# 775 - MNH,OG
1971 JET SILHOUETTE Plate Block of 4 11c Airmail Postage Stamps - Sc# C78 - MNH,OG
1971 DELTA WING PLANE Plate Block of 4 9c Airmail Postage Stamps - Sc# C77 - MNH,OG
1968 USA & JET Plate Block of 4 20c Airmail Postage Stamps - Sc# C75 - MNH,OG
1970 United Nations Single 6c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1419 - MNH,OG
1971 Antarctic Treaty Single 8c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1431 - MNH,OG
1977 Energy Conservation and Development 13 Cent Stamps, Scott #S 1723-24, Set of 4 Stamps
1978 PAP Test Early Cancer Detection Single 13c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1754 - MNH,OG
1975 Lighthouse Single 29c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1605 - MNH,OG
1973 WINGED ENVELOPE Airmail #C79 Plate Block of 4 13c Postage Stamps - Sc# C79 - MNH,OG
1976 PLANE, GLOBES & FLAG Plate Block of 4 31c Airmail Postage Stamps - Sc# C90 - MNH,OG
2009 - Christmas Booklet Pane of 20 44c Postage Stamps- Sc# - 4424-4428b - MNH, OG - CX699
1948 Joel Chandler Harris -Uncle Remus- Single 3c Postage Stamp - Sc#980 - MNH,OG
1969 William M. Harnett, Artist, Single 6c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1386 - MNH,OG
1954 President James Monroe Single 5c postage Stamp - Sc# 1038 - MNH,OG
1948 US Rough Riders Single 3c Postage Stamp - Sc# 973 - MNH,OG
1948 Will Rogers Single 3c Postage Stamp - Sc#975 -MNH,OG