1930 Battle of Braddocks FieldBlock of 4 2c Postage Stamps - Sc#688 - MNH,OG
1922-25 Benjamin Franklin Single 1c Postage Stamp - Sc# 552 MNH, OG
1937 Adoption of the Constitution Block of 4 5c Postage Stamps - Sc#798 - MNH,OG
2008 Bette Davis Legends of Hollywood Single 42c Postage Stamp - Sc# 4350 - MNH,OG
1929 Edison's First Lamp Single 2¢ Postage Stamp Sc#655 MNH,OG
1929 Edison’s First Lamp - Single 2c Postage Stamp - Sc# 654 MNH,OG
1940 Dr. Walter Reed Block of 4x 5c Postage Stamps -SC3877 - MNH,OG
1942 China, Lincoln & Sun Tat-Sen Single 5c Postage Stamp - Sc#906 - MNH,OG
1973 Independence Colonial Post Rider Single 6c Postage Stamp - Sc#1478 - MNH,OG
1943 Czechoslovakia Block of 4 5c Postage Stamps - Sc# 910 - MNH,OG
1970 Ernie Pyle Single 16c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1398 - MNH,OG
Diamond Head, Hawaii State Park Oʻahu - Single 80c Airmail Postage Stamp - Sc# C46 - MNH,OG
1961 Horace Greeley Single 4c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1177 - MNH,OG
1965 John F Kennedy Single 13c Postage Stamp Sc# 1287 - MNH,OG
1949 Globe and Doves Carrying Messages Single 15c Airmail Postage Stamp - Sc# C43 - MNH,OG
1940 For Defense - Army & Navy Plate Block of 4 2c Postage Stamps - Sc#900 - MNH,OG
1940 Frances E Willard Block of 4 5c Postage Stamps - SC#872 - MNH,OG
1929 George Rogers Clark - The Surrender of Fort Sackville Single 2c Postage Stamp - Sc#651- MNG,OG
1934 Grand Canyon Block of 4 2c Postage Stamps - Sc#741 - MNH,OG
1933 Fort Dearborn Block of 4 1c Postage Stamps -Sc#728 - MNH,OG
1932 General Oglethorpe Block of 4 3c Postage Stamps -Sc#726 - MNH,OG
1932 George Washington Plate Block of 4 3c Postage Stamps - Sc#720 - MNH,OG
1930 General von Steuben Block of 4 2c Postage Stamps - Sc#689 - MNH,OG
1929 General Anthony Wayne Memorial / Battle of Fallen Timbers Single 2c Postage Stamp Sc#680 - MNH,OG