1944 First Steamship To Cross Atlantic Single 3c Postage Stamp - Sc# 923 - MNH, OG
1944 Transcontinential Railroad Single 3c Postage Stamp - Sc# 922 - MNH, OG -
1954-68 - The Alamo Single 9c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1043 - MNH, OG - CX507
1954-68 Thomas Jefferson's Monticello Single 20c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1047 - MNH, OG - CX574
1949 Washington & Lee University Single 3c Postage Stamp - MNH, OG - Sc# 982
1948 Fort Bliss Centennial Single 3c Postage Stamp - MNH, OG - Sc# 976
1930 Battle of Braddocks FieldBlock of 4 2c Postage Stamps - Sc#688 - MNH,OG
1937 Adoption of the Constitution Block of 4 5c Postage Stamps - Sc#798 - MNH,OG
1973 Independence Colonial Post Rider Single 6c Postage Stamp - Sc#1478 - MNH,OG
1929 George Rogers Clark - The Surrender of Fort Sackville Single 2c Postage Stamp - Sc#651- MNG,OG
1932 General Oglethorpe Block of 4 3c Postage Stamps -Sc#726 - MNH,OG
1930 General von Steuben Block of 4 2c Postage Stamps - Sc#689 - MNH,OG
1929 General Anthony Wayne Memorial / Battle of Fallen Timbers Single 2c Postage Stamp Sc#680 - MNH,OG
1977 Marquis de Lafayette Bicentennial 13c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1716 - MNH,OG
Landing of the Swedes and Finns Block of 4 3c Postage Stamps - Sc# 836 - MNH,OG
1936 Andrew Jackson & Winfield Scott Block of 4 2c Postage Stamps - Sc# 786 - Sc#786 - MNH,OH
1955 Atoms for Peace Single 3c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1070 - MNH,OG
1978 Drafting Articles Confederation Single 13c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1726 - MNH,OG
1928 Battle of Monmouth, Molly Pitcher Block of 4 2c Postage Stamps - Sc# 646 - MNH,OG
1953 Centennial of Opening of Japan Single 5c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1021 - MNH,OG
1948 Francis Scott Key Single 3c Postage Stamp - Sc#962 - MNH,OG
1968 Marquette Explorer Single 6c Postage Stamp - Sc# 1356 - MNH,OG
1938 Landing of Swedes & Finns Single 3c Postage Stamp - Sc# 836 - MNH,OG
1928 Valley Forge Single 2 c Postage Stamp Sc# #645 - MNH,OG