1994 Popular Singers Strip Of 5 29c Postage Stamps - Sc# 2849-2853 - MNH, OG - CW240a
1994 USA Moon Landing Single 29c Postage Stamp - Sc# 2841 - MNH - CW372a
1994 WW2 Road To Victory Sheet With 10 29c Postage Stamps - Sc# 2838 - MNH, OG - CW241a
1994 Silent Screen Stars Block Of 10 29c Postage Stamps - Sc# 2819--2828 - MNH, OG - CW314a
2000 Edward G. Robinson Single 33c Postage Stamp - Sc# - 3446 - MNH, OG - CX695a
1993 Columbus Landing in Puerto Rico Block of 4 29c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 2805
1993 American Sign Language Plate Block Of 4 29c Postage Stamps - Sc# 2783-2784, MNH - QQ119
1993 Country & Western Music Block Of 8 With Banner 29c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 2771-2774 - CW383e
Lena Horne Black Heritage Single "Forever" Postage Stamp - MNH, OG - Sc# 5259
2008 Bette Davis Plate Block Of 4 42c Postage Stamps - Sc 4350 - MNH, OG - DM128a
1999 Ayn Rand Plate Block of 4 33c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 3308
1995 Earth Day Block of 4 32c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 2954
1995 Florida Statehood Plate Block of 4 32c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 2950
1994 Cranes Plate Block of 4 29c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc#2867- 2868
1994 Winter Olympics Strip of 5 29c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 2811
1993 Columbus Landing in Puerto Rico Plate Block of 4 29c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 2805
1993 Christmas Booklet Pane Of 12 29c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 2802
1993 Christmas Booklet Pane of 10 29c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 2795-2798
1993 Sporting Horses Plate Block of 4 29c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 2756-2759
1993 Dean Acheson Plate Block of 4 29c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 2755
1993 Cherokee Strip Land Run Centennial Plate Block of 4 29c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 2754
1993 Grace Kelly Plate Block of 4 29c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 2749
1993 Oregon Trail Plate Block of 4 29c Postage Stamps - MNH, OG - Sc# 2747
1995 Richard Nixon Single 32c Postage Stamp - MNH, OG - Sc# 2955 - DS197d